Home Games PS4 Jailbreak 2025: How to Play Free PlayStation 4 Games

PS4 Jailbreak 2025: How to Play Free PlayStation 4 Games

Top notch tutorial on Best way to jailbreak PS4 console game. Based on today’s Gaming trends via the internet (online) and offline, there are diverse of details or set up guide for Playstation 4 jailbreaking. And having lots of persons requesting for such manual guide on this blog, here is the latest and easiest method of carrying out such function in 2020. All form of errors and issues faced by users during the process of this settings in the previous jailbreak, the solutions have been provided below. Get your (PS4 Custom Firmware) upgraded / Updated.

PS4 Jailbreak came out since February and it took expert developers about 4 years to come up with “how to jailbreak a PS4 game” after years of not being able to hack PS4. Well, finally we are happy that the settings and guides to carry out such is here and working fine. So many game fans can now play downloaded pirated PlayStation 4 games without having to purchase/buy game disc or the game digital version.
PS4 Jailbreak

So this tutorial is crafted to help those requesting for it on this website and those finding it difficult to use other tutorials online because they are getting unsuccessful status after carrying out all they were asked to do over there. Whatever the case may be, you have finally landed to the last solution center with simplified article for that which you seek.

Now walking you through to the basic thing you must know, which is the merit (benefits) and demerits (disadvantage) of what to do with your hacked PS4 and what not to do with it. Understanding this aspect of PS4 jailbreak will give you insight whether to continue with it or not.

Note: You can only get PS4 console running on 4.05/4.55 firmware hacked. So you are advised to get a PlayStation console running on 4.05. The reason is because jailbreak works very well on such firmware. Now, what about those that are using the latest firmware, the question now becomes how do you get back to firmware 4.05? Well, for now it is not possible to downgrade your PS4 firmware.

Read our full guide on: PSX Downloader Helper

So that implies getting another PS4 running on 4.05 in case yours is running on the latest. You can actually get a PS4 firmware eligible for jailbreaking from online stores like Amazon, eBay, Jumia, Konga and on local electronic stores around wherever you are. And ensure it is running on 4.05 firmware.

Benefits or Merits of Hacked PS4

  • Able to play way back PS2 games for good entertaining memories.
  • Ability to turn PS4 as FTP server.
  • Freedom to play pirated PlayStation 4 Games just for free without no cost attached, as all you need do is to download the games and send them to the hacked PS4 HDD and then play without limit.
  • Ability to download and utilize custom PS4 themes.
  • You are able to use Linux on PS4.
  • Ability to edit your Registry, debug settings and do many other customization on PS4.

What to Beware on PS4 Jailbreak

  • Don’t forget to get PS4 running on 4.05 or 4.55 firmware. This is because it has been confirmed to be the version the hack or crack works very well on. The most stable version is 4.05, so 4.05 is more efficient to work on than 4.55 firmware.
  • After getting a console of 4.05 firmware, you go ahead and run the PS4 Jailbreak.
  • Ensure to Disable internet connection On the PS4 after a successful jailbreaking.

How to run PS4 Jailbreak Easily

The major goal here is to load the exploit and then feed it a payload (which happens to be the main unsigned code we require your PS4 to run) and the configurations start with your PS4’s “Debug Settings” So you are required to first enable the “Debug Settings” on the PS4 console you are working on to jailbreak. And before we go further, below is a disclaimer to take note of in order to put things in the right perspective.


Exploiting the Kernel of any PlayStation 4 will make it open for catching fun and lots of goodies like playing free games, utilizing custom themes and also exposing it to potential risk & harm when downloading payloads from untrusted websites. Ensure to always check out the MD5 Checksum to confirm the downloaded payload hasn’t been altered by any means. To check that, visit this link.

Continuing from where we stopped before the disclaimer.

There are numerous reasons why this particular tutorial is tagged as the easiest method ever and below comes two tangible reasons:

  1. It is very easy and simple to comprehend and run.
  2. We are utilizing the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool.

Earlier on, we talked about our major goal being how to run unsigned code on PS4 which in return would grant access to your PS4’s debug settings and below is how to go about it involving just two steps:

  1. Firstly, Load the exploit via a webpage
  2. And secondly, send the payload to the exploited PS4 console.

Benefits of Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool

Advantage of using the Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool for ps4 jailbreak is quite numerous, as it grant hackers or developers the easy method to perform PS4 jailbreak functionalities. The merits include:

  • Ensures to block unwanted Sony connections.
  • Performs hosting of exploit on a server.
  • Providing wide compatibility range, as it supports Linux, Mac OS and windows.
  • The program is written in python.
  • Encourages semi-automatic sending of payloads.
  • Ability to serve as a proxy for PS4 game.
  • Has open source.

Requirements for PS4 Jailbreak

Haven gone through the good and bad side of PS4 jailbreak above, with PS4 Jailbreak disclaimer, and advantages or merit of using Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool, now is the time for you to know the requirements that gets PS4 jailbreak work successfully.

>You need Sony PlayStation 4 running on 4.05 firmware
>You need an Internet connection
>Download Python 3.65 – HERE
>Download Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool – HERE
>Download SpecterDev’s Debug Settings Payload – HERE

Al-Azif’s Easy PS4 Exploit Hosting Tool

How to Jailbreak PS4 that runs 4.05 firmware

This is actually the main part of the tutorial where you will learn how to jailbreak your PS4 device, so I urge you to follow the steps meticulously in order to get your aim done in few minutes without errors of any kind.

First Part:

How to Load the exploit through a Webpage.

>From the link above, download and install the latest Python 3 provided and ensure to check “add python to path” while the installation process is going on.

ps4-jailbreak Python Windows

>Now go ahead and extract the easy PS4 exploit hosting tool.zip downloaded from the link above, extract it to a folder (any folder of your choice but to make it simpler and easier, just create a new folder for it so that you will locate it immediately when the time for use arises).

>Next is to open the easy PS4 exploit hosting tool folder, then locate “Payloads” and ensure to copy the debug-settings.bin payload.

>Now is time to double click on “Start.py” file, do the double clicking to start running the tool.

>Immediately after the above step, the CMD command would display on the screen asking you the exact exploit to run, here, just choose IDC.

> In this step, you will see something like “Your DNS IP is” that displays the tool is running very fine.

ps4 exploit host cmd data

>Now switch on your PS4 console.

>Navigate to the internet settings – go to Settings >> Network >> Setup Network.

>From here, choose Manual and then set the primary DNS and the Secondary DNS with this address and ensure not to change the IP address & subnet mask.

exploit PS4 secondary DNS

>The PS4 and computer in use should be connected to the same internet router i.e. same Local Network.

> Run the Test for your PS4’s internet connection. Note; if the (Obtain IP Address and Internet Connection) were successful, then have it that your PS4 has found the proxy server running on the computer you are using, while the other check can fail, it really doesn’t matter as long as the (Obtain IP Address and Internet Connection) were successful and most importantly, the “PlayStation Network Sign in” has to or must fail. So when it fails, you are on the right track.

PS4 exploit - Test internet connection

Second Part:

Steps to Running the Exploit & Sending the Payload

From here you will see that your PlayStation is ready and as well, properly configured to access the internet connection via your computer’s easy PS4 exploit tool.

>Now from your PS4, Go to User’s Guides (Settings – User Guides). There, a webpage should open loading the exploit page and right from your PC, the python script would display “Sending exploit”.

Full Jailbreak PS4 guide

> At this stage, you are required to send the payloads form your pernal computer to the PS4 in use. Remember that this payload file is what we downloaded and copied from the beginning of this tutorial.

> Select the payload to send to your PlayStation 4 device.

hack PS4 exploit host cmd>Now that Payload is sent! To be sure or to verify the sending was successful, go to your settings page section and scroll down to “debug settings”. From here, if you see debug settings then have it that the process of running the PS4 4.05 jailbreak was successful and bravo to you for following up this tutorial to the last and finally you made it.

Congratulations!!! Your PlayStation 4 (PS4) is authoritatively and automatically running 4.05 jailbreak firmware.

Please Share this tutorial if it’s helpful to you, and don’t ignore sharing your reviews and comments regarding to this solution for PS4 jailbreak. Thank you for reading.