Home Sports All About Tennis Rules, Facts & Playing Tips

All About Tennis Rules, Facts & Playing Tips

Hello to all tennis fans and lovers. Today we are sharing all about tennis. We’re letting you know all the rules, facts, and ways to play tennis. Let’s begin.

Tennis which originated from England in the 19th century is now loved and played around the world. It is undoubtedly one of the most popular sports in the world with over 17.90million professional players worldwide.

How’s the Game of Tennis played?

In the game, the main goal of the players are to win more points than the opponent by hitting the ball in a way that the opponent cannot play the ball back to the other half of the tennis court.

There are two kinds of matches, the singles match which includes two players on each sides of the court, playing against each other. While in doubles match, there are a total of four players, two playing against two on each side of the court.

Equipment used in tennis Sports Game

Equipment used in tennis Sports Game
image: fi.pinterest.com

1. A wooden or alloy racquet with a handle and weaved strings.
Its length should be 32″. The surface should be 16″ long, 12″wide and the width of the handle should be 12.5″.

2. Tennis ball with a diameter of 2.5 – 2.625 .

3.Tennis shirts and shorts or dresses. As well as headband and wristbands to absorb heat.

How does a player score and win in tennis?

Firstly, It is important to know that the tennis match for men has 5 sets and the one for women has 3 sets. Now, every sets contains 6 games. And for a player to win, he or she has to lead the opponent with two more points.

The games begins at zero points which is called love. The first point to be earned is 15 points. The second 30, third 40 and the final point which is known as game points brings victory.

Remember we said earlier that points are gotten when an opponent fails to receive or/ and fails to return the ball to the half side of court (his opponent’s side). Points are also gotten when an opponent plays over the baseline.

When both players reach a 40-40 points draw, such situation is is called a deuce. In order to emerge as the winner, one of the players must win two more points consecutively. Also during a tie-break (when the game ties at 6-6) a player must lead his opponent with two more points in order to win.

For a player to win in the men’s match, he has to win at least 3 sets to emerge as winner. For women, the winner has two win at least 2 sets to emerge as the winner.

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Basic Rules of Tennis

1. A match begins with a coin toss or spinning the racquet to figure out who would be the first to serve.

2. When a player serves, his foot must be on the baseline and must not move from there before he serves the ball.

3. When the server doesn’t play the ball within the service area of his opponent, it is called a fault. He’s given another chance to serve and if He plays a fault, it’s called a double fault and a double fault comes with reduction of points.

4. A “let” occurs when a server plays the ball into the net before it bounces into the service area of the opponent. When a let occurs, the server will retake the serving. However, in an “out”, the server plays the ball into the net, and the ball doesn’t go to the opponent’s service area. When this happens, the player loses the right to retake the serve. His opponent does so.

5.The receiver of the ball chooses to stand where he wants to stand and receive.

6. Once a server serves well, both players keeps playing until a win, an out or a let occurs from any of the players.

7. The first point to win a game is 15, the second is 30, and the third is 40.

8. It takes four points to win a game. Whenever a deuce occurs, players must score two points consecutively to win. If an opponent interrupts a player’s first point after the deuce (which is called advantage) both players are back to deuce and one must score two points consecutively to win the game.

9. 6 games are required to win a set. In a tie-break, a player must play two more points to win the set.

10. A player will lose a point if he touches the net or distracts his opponent.

11. The ball used in playing is changed after every 6 games.

12. A player will lose a point if he comes outside the baseline to hit the ball, if it touches the net without entering his opponent’s side of the court, and when the ball bounces twice in his court before he receives it.

13. Players must switch sides during an odd number game.

14. A player gets a penalty if he abuses his opponent verbally in the court or if his racquet falls from his hand.

FAQs About Tennis Rules, Facts & Playing Tips

These FAQs provide a well-rounded introduction to tennis, covering essential rules, strategies, and tips for players of all levels.

1. What are the basic rules of tennis?

Tennis is played on a rectangular court with a net in the middle. Players or teams hit a ball over the net, aiming to land it within the opponent’s court. Points are scored when the opponent fails to return the ball within the court boundaries. A match is typically played best-of-three or best-of-five sets.

2. How is a tennis match scored?

A tennis match is scored in points, games, and sets. Points progress from 0 (called “love”) to 15, 30, 40, and then “game” if a player wins the next point. A set is won by the first player to win six games, with at least a two-game advantage. If both players reach 6-6 in games, a tiebreaker may be played.

3. What are the different types of tennis courts?

Tennis is played on various surfaces, including grass, clay, hard, and carpet courts. Each surface has unique characteristics that affect the ball’s speed and bounce, influencing playing styles and strategies.

4. What is a serve in tennis?

A serve is the starting shot of a point in tennis. The server must hit the ball into the opposite service box diagonally across the net. A valid serve must clear the net and land within the designated service box without touching the net.

5. What is a tiebreaker in tennis?

A tiebreaker is a special game played when the score in a set reaches 6-6. The first player to reach seven points with at least a two-point lead wins the tiebreaker and the set. Tiebreakers add excitement to close matches and are often used to decide crucial sets.

6. What are the main types of tennis shots?

The main types of tennis shots include the forehand, backhand, serve, volley, overhead smash, drop shot, and lob. Each shot requires different techniques and is used in various situations during a match.

7. What are the Grand Slam tournaments in tennis?

The Grand Slam tournaments are the four most prestigious events in tennis: the Australian Open, French Open, Wimbledon, and US Open. Winning all four in a single calendar year is known as the “Grand Slam.”

8. What is a double fault in tennis?

A double fault occurs when a player fails to serve the ball into the opponent’s service box twice in a row. A double fault results in the server losing the point.

9. What is a break of serve?

A break of serve happens when the receiving player wins a game in which the opponent is serving. Breaking serve is a crucial advantage in tennis, as holding serve is typically easier than breaking it.

10. How can I improve my tennis serve?

To improve your tennis serve, focus on proper grip, stance, and ball toss. Practice regularly to develop consistent timing and power. Incorporating a smooth, fluid motion with a strong follow-through will enhance both accuracy and speed.

11. What is the difference between singles and doubles in tennis?

Singles tennis is played between two players, while doubles tennis involves two teams of two players each. The court dimensions for doubles are wider than for singles, and teamwork plays a significant role in doubles strategy.

12. How does tennis ranking work?

Tennis rankings are determined by a points system, with players earning points based on their performance in sanctioned tournaments. The ATP (men’s) and WTA (women’s) rankings are updated weekly, reflecting players’ recent successes and consistency.

13. What is the role of a tennis umpire?

A tennis umpire oversees the match, ensuring that the rules are followed and making decisions on line calls, scoring, and any disputes that arise. The umpire’s rulings are final, although players can challenge certain decisions using electronic review systems like Hawk-Eye.

14. What are the benefits of playing tennis?

Tennis offers numerous physical and mental benefits, including improved cardiovascular health, increased strength and agility, enhanced coordination, and stress relief. It also promotes discipline, strategic thinking, and social interaction.

15. What equipment do I need to play tennis?

To play tennis, you’ll need a tennis racket, tennis balls, appropriate sportswear, and tennis shoes designed for the specific court surface you’ll be playing on. Optional accessories include wristbands, a hat or visor, and a tennis bag to carry your gear.

16. How can I improve my backhand shot?

To improve your backhand, work on your grip, footwork, and follow-through. Whether you use a one-handed or two-handed backhand, practicing your swing with proper form and focusing on hitting through the ball will help increase accuracy and power.

17. What is the difference between topspin and backspin?

Topspin refers to the forward rotation of the ball, which causes it to dip quickly after crossing the net, making it harder for opponents to return. Backspin, or slice, causes the ball to rotate backward, resulting in a lower bounce and slower speed, often used for defensive or tactical play.

18. How do I keep score in tennis?

Tennis scoring begins at 0 (love) and progresses to 15, 30, 40, and game. If both players reach 40, it’s called “deuce,” and one player must win two consecutive points to win the game. A match is usually played as best-of-three or best-of-five sets.

19. What are some common tennis strategies?

Common tennis strategies include serving and volleying, baseline play, drop shots, and lobs. Players may also focus on exploiting their opponent’s weaknesses, such as a weaker backhand, or using cross-court shots to keep opponents moving.

20. How can beginners start playing tennis?

Beginners can start playing tennis by learning the basic rules, practicing fundamental shots like the forehand and backhand, and gradually building their skills through regular practice and lessons. Joining a local tennis club or taking part in beginner clinics can also help you improve and enjoy the game.


We’ve given it to you, tennis lovers! There are the basics you need to know about your beloved sports tennis. Please share article to educate others. Thank you.