Home Banking How To Block Lost GTbank Debit Card Via SMS

How To Block Lost GTbank Debit Card Via SMS

Securing your bank credentials is a must do if you must be free from scammer’s treat or hack. Here is a detailed guide to block your lost or stolen GTB debit card (mastercard, visa, etc).

Previously, we provided fans with detailed guide on how they can possibly secure their individual bank accounts from fraudsters, and how to possibly use their online details in good measures, in order to avoid losing money from their bank account. In case you missed it, you might want to grab that knowledge right away.

So in this article, this is how to block your debit card before another person withdraw your hard earned money.

block debit card

GTbank saw the need of providing such option for blocking lost or stolen MasterCard. Of course, their number one priority is protecting or securing user’s fund. So they banking firm implemented this means of blocking misplaced ATM cards.

Now, if really you lost your Gtbank MasterCard or it was stolen, you can quickly block it by following the guide below:

How To Block GTbank Lost Or Stolen Debit Card

  •  Simply text or send via SMS  “HOTLIST (Your NUBAN Account Number) to this number 0700482666328 or 08076665555
  • For Example: Let’s assume, that your NUBAN Account Number is this 0025431521,
    then attach the NUBAN number to HOTLIST like this:
  • HOTLIST0025431521 and send via SMS to this number (0700482666328 or 08076665555)

That’s all. You can now wait for the confirmation regarding if the card has been blocked or not.